Backyard Paradise

Backyard Paradise

Margaret & Michael
Margaret and Michael 2014_5

Michael and I met while working seasonally at Signal Mountain Lodge in Grand Teton National Park. We met on the volleyball court after work one day and never looked back. We tried living in Florida for a winter, but came back to the Tetons. Then, we spent a year living in Minnesota but found ourselves back at Signal Mountain Lodge. We fell in love with the area, and now, we call it “home.”

Our combined love for sports and athletics makes us a truly fierce couple; Michael and I like to push each other. On the weekends, we enjoy trail running in the mountains and car camping. We feel extremely lucky to call the Tetons our backyard.

Michael proposed to me while snowshoeing on a frozen Jackson Lake on January 1, 2014. It was a bluebird day, and it felt like we had the entire park to ourselves. I did not believe that he was serious about asking me, so he proposed three times. Of course I said, “Yes!” each time.

Choosing to have our wedding in Jackson was the easy part. Picking a date was more challenging. Michael and his family are huge Florida State football fans, so we had to wait until the schedule came out to see when the Seminoles’ bye week was planned. Bingo—September 13th became our wedding date!

We chose to wed in the Catholic Church and have the ceremony at the Chapel of the Sacred Heart. It is only a half-mile north of Signal Mountain Lodge in the park, and it is a beautiful, quaint log cabin. I had been going to this chapel for the past six summers and knew it was exactly where I wanted to get married. Deacon Doug was our presider and made the ceremony special and uniquely crafted for us; it felt like we were the only ones present.

After the ceremony, we stopped at Signal Mountain Lodge for a cocktail before going to the Grand View Lodge in Jackson for the reception. During the cocktail hour, we offered a signature drink called “The Dickberg,” a combination of our two last names, Landberg and Ludick. Basically, it was a Moscow Mule, but it helped kick off our celebration.

The evening was filled with good food, drinks, and dancing. We ended the night just like any other night in town; we danced to live music at the Town Square Tavern and ate pizza at Pinky G’s Pizzeria.


Wedding Details

Wedding Date: 13 September 2014
Ceremony Location: Chapel of the Sacred Heart, Grand Teton National Park
Reception Location: Grand View Lodge
Officiant: Deacon Doug Vlchek
Hair & Makeup: Body & Soul Spa & Salon
Photographer: Michelle Erwin
Florist: Gild the Lily Too
Entertainment: Jeff Lutz, Acme Strength Industrial Music
Caterer: Grand View Lodge
Dessert: Persephone Bakery
Transportation: The Driver Provider

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